About Us

Welcome to the website for First Baptist Church of Necedah!

First Baptist Church of Necedah is a body of believers who believe the Bible should be our sole authority for faith and practice.  We are an independent Baptist church that adheres to the fundamentals of the faith and unapologetically preach the Word of God.  Our desire is to be a lighthouse to Necedah and the surrounding area, pointing people to Christ and emphasizing a relationship with Him as opposed to religion.  Here you will find a family of believers that love God and His Word, love one another, and will welcome you “just as you are.”  Don’t just take our word for it, though–come and visit to see for yourself!

WHERE:  W6295 23rd Street, Necedah, Wisconsin

WHEN:     Sunday School – 9:30am

Morning Worship Service – 10:30am (followed by fellowship and a snack)

CURRENT SERIES:  Pastor’s current series (which began on October 12th, 2023), is an in-depth, verse-by-verse study on the book (letter) of II Peter entitled: Working, Warning, and Watching.  What is the theme of II Peter?  “Pursue spiritual growth to protect against error—and to be prepared for Christ’s return.”  That is certainly a needful message for the time in which we live. 

SERMON NOTES–and recent live-streamed sermons–can be viewed on this site and are posted to be a help to you whether you are ever able to visit us or not.  They will also give you a “feel” for how we “handle” the Word of God.

Sunday Afternoon Service – Approximately 12:30pm

Wednesday Prayer Meeting – 6:30pm

PLEASE CONSIDER:  Where will you spend eternity?  Can we know?  The Bible says we can: “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye might know that ye have eternal life…” (I John 5:13).  I encourage you to check out the “Salvation” page for this most important subject.

PLEASE NOTE:  This is the CURRENT website for First Baptist Church of Necedah; fbcnecedah.wordpress.com is not.  Also, there are two Facebook pages for First Baptist Church of Necedah.  The one with a phone number of (920) 222-1338 is the correct one.

Hymnal used (for those wondering about our music) “Rejoice Hymns” (Majesty Music)